More Flat Third Graders Arrive!

Flat Tyler and Flat Mitchell had a good time in Florida. They were enjoying the sunny weather so much that they wanted to stay!

Flat Tyler went to the Everglades and the beach. He saw snakes and alligators, very cool!

Flat Mitchell went lots of places with Grandma and Grandpa, but he really enjoyed going to an art museum where they got to finger paint.

Here is Tyler with his new Florida t-shirt.


Flat Baylee came back from Ohio. She had fun visiting a friend who used to live in Michigan. While in Ohio with her friend, she visited the place where Quaker Oatmeal first started out and where the Good Year Blimps are made.


Flat Michael F. came back from Atlanta, Georgia. He also went many interesting places. He visited CNN T.V. station, saw where Martin Luther King Jr. went to church when he was a boy, went to see where Hank Aaron played baseball with the Atlanta Braves and saw where Coke Cola started He came back with a whole scrapbook of pictures. Here are just a few.



Michael R. came back also.  He went to South Bend, Indiana to visit relatives.  Of course while in South  Bend he went to see Notre Dame University! adminnd-p4.jpg

One Response to More Flat Third Graders Arrive!

  1. I Know says:

    Mrs. Thorpe, it’s the University of Notre Dame.

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